Where The Land And Our Bodies Intersect

Mithsuca Berry
Rose Kennedy Greenway 

Of their artwork, artist Mithsuca Berry says “This space is meant to serve as somewhere people can release their burdens: here lies a resting point after so much mourning. Here you can come together and experience the unapologetic love of the trees, grass, sky, and one another. Thank you for existing. My work is meant to affirm those in this space, and thank them for waking up to live another day, and encourage them to share this experience with their community.”

Photo credit: Mel Taing

ARTIST Cheryl Wing-Zi Wong

Mithsuca Berry is a Haitian artist, educator, and storyteller based in Cambridge, MA. Each of their pieces marks an epiphany in their journey of healing trauma related to existing as a Black, queer, non-binary individual. Tenderly exploring art as the intersection between their inner child and expansive, intuitive self, Berry’s introspective work creates new pathways for collective healing and liberation.


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